Contribute a website to iDigitalMedium
Do you know of a website that should be in this list, but isn't?
This form will help you add a website to our list here at the iDigitalMedium website.
- The purpose of this project is to help other people by sharing websites that have personally helped you.
- Anyone can add ANY website that fits into the assigned categories.
- Please check the database below first to make sure this website is not already listed.
This is not an advertising service or platform. It is OK to add your own website if it is related to the categories listed.
If you add your own website, we strongly encourage you to also add other people's books also.
***Please Note: Submission of a website does not imply nor guarantee any type of special placement, endorsement, review, or commentary by anyone on the iDigitalMedium team. Please do not request any of the above. Thank you.
If you have questions or need assistance, email us at info at idigitalmedium dot com and we'll be happy to help!