
#2:   Videos of Keith Milton Rhinehart being tested in Japan in 1957 and 1958, and other Keith Milton Rhinehart Materials

Description: Keith Milton Rhinehart, also referred to as “KMR” or Master Kumara, was a world-renowned physical medium 4/1/1936 – 4/30/1999. He is often described as the most gifted and tested physical medium in the 20th century. In fact, many would say he is the only medium to have passed rigorous standards imposed by Japanese scientists in the 20th century.
Classification: Unknown It has been said that videos were filmed of Keith Milton Rhinehart in 1957 and 1958 during Keith’s visit to Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan. Various sources on the internet, including the late medium Colin Fry, indicate that these videos exist, but it is unknown if they still exist, or are in someone’s possession at this time. Here’s what we do know:

  • Colin Fry is quoted as saying the following during a Metro News interview in 2003:

    I was in Japan in 1997 at their Spiritual Science Institute and they have films taken in 1957 of the medium Keith Milton Rhinehart showing full spiritual manifestation on film. Has it revolutionised the world? No.

    Source: http://metro.co.uk/2003/06/15/colin-fry-637243/

  • Susy Smith, a medium and author stated the following concerning experiments of KMR by Japanese scientists:

    Under these test conditions many physical phenomena showing ectoplasm in various forms were produced under white light and photographed with still and movie cameras.…films that have been televised in Japan and the United States….This phenomenon, illuminated by white light was witnessed by some three hundred sitters who marveled and wondered, according to the widow of the late Wasaburo Asano, founder of modern psychical research in Japan and first president the Japanese Psychic Science Association.

    Source 1: http://www.survivalebooks.org/Articles/rhinehart.htm
    Source 2: (Now defunct, but same article as first link: http://www.freewebs.com/afterlife/articles/rhinehart.htm

  • Mention of Susy Smith’s report by Victor Zammit:

    Apparently the films of these test seances still exist and were reportedly seen at the Japanese Psychic Science Association in the 1990s. If anyone can help locate a copy please let us know.

    Source: http://www.victorzammit.com/archives/2011/december2nd2011.htm

According to Susy Smith, who transitioned in 2001 at the age of 89, her report listed the following people as being present during the testing of Keith Milton Rhinehart in 1958:

This phenomenon, illuminated by white light was witnessed by some three
hundred sitters who marveled and wondered, according to the widow of the
late Wasaburo Asano, founder of modern psychical research in Japan and
first president the Japanese Psychic Science Association.

Mentioned Participants:
Professor Iki Goto, D.E., of Tokyo University
Mr. Mikami, the leader of a religious group
Mr. Wasaburo Asano – President of the Japanese Psychic Science Association
Mrs. Wasaburo Asano
Kenichi Ikeda, a jeweler
300 sitters

This Material is of vital importance to preserve the history of Physical Mediumship in the world. It would be the only known video of the only medium to have produced ectoplasm in white light conditions under scientific conditions in the 20th century.

Can you Help?

Please contact us [email protected] or privately at [email protected] if you are aware of the existence of any of these materials.


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