Intention and Focus Trumps Hocus Pocus

by Jen Tyson

[dropcap]ITC[/dropcap] (Instrumental Transcommunication), which is defined as using tools to communicate with spirits, is as old as mankind. This art was once reserved for an exclusive elite group of holy men within a community setting. Today, it can be practiced by any individual wishing to explore and investigate spirit communication.

Spiritualism grew out of traditional folk magic. From spiritualism developed the art of modern mediumship. This art has elements of the old and the new. It has not forgotten its ancient animistic heritage but it is quick to adopt the latest developments in electronic spirit communication. ITC is starting to come into its own as a popular form of mediumship. The question I would like to pose is, where do we go with this art that is both ancient and modern?

John Dee

John Dee
Courtesy of Wikipedia

When I started working with ITC, I decided to contact the spirit of a man who was historically interesting to me — Dr. John Dee, an astrologer and magician who worked for Queen Elizabeth I. Dee and his professional psychic Edward Kelley had séances with angels for a number of years. The mysterious writings that were the result of these séances are still studied today.

For two years I have been studying with Edward Kelley, initially using ITC, then later with more traditional mediumship methods. I have learned a great deal and have developed psychic abilities I never thought I would possess, and have also formed friendships that I hope will last for years – perhaps even centuries.

I ask again, where are we going with ITC? If you search on YouTube, you can find several hundred videos of sessions with ghost boxes of various sorts. The interaction between the spirits and the digital mediums presented is usually superficial in nature. Simplistic questions such as asking for names and dates of death is the norm. Unfocused and haphazard communication is the standard. In my practice, I see this as an area that needs improvement. Unfocused spirit contact is unproductive, and can lead to self-deception and self-delusion.

Edward Kelley

Edward Kelley
Courtesy of Wikipedia

According to Edward Kelley, this indicates a lack of focus and a closed heart. The wandering path that results from this lack of focus is unsatisfying and falls far short of the great potential of ITC and mediumship in general. I would like to present possible solutions to this issue.

First, we need to understand that the spirits contacted have access to information we have difficulty accessing during our incarnation. There is no time in spirit. Past and future probabilities are all accessible. Knowledge of potential future inventions, art, and solutions to problems of modern society can be accessed by one whose sight is not restricted to our physical time and space.

ITC can bridge that gap and enable the digital medium to gain information without limit. Restrictions are belief-based. Any spirit can be reached from any time. Living people can be talked to in their potential pasts or futures. Any kind of spirit, human or not, can be reached. You can even communicate with yourself in the future. The potential for exploration is infinite. This applies to traditional mediumship as well as digital mediumship. Through these tools we can access the universe. What are we doing with them?

More importantly, how do we make improvements? With the refinement of any art we have to start somewhere. Learning to use the ITC tools of spirit communication is the beginning, as well as intention. I would like to give the following suggestions to digital mediums to help bridge the gap between basic communication and productive spirit interaction.

1. Practice: This is an art, and any art must be practiced to be perfected. The learning curve of efficient communication using ITC is similar to the learning curve when studying the piano. It is ideal to work with this art every day. Reaching out to spirits exercises the spiritual muscles needed for clear communication. You will have good sessions and bad ones. You cannot let the bad days stand in your way. Shake them off and continue. Repeated communication on the same topic will be needed at first until the medium is certain of the accuracy of communication.

2. Understanding: Regardless of the type of mediumship practiced, all input from spirit has to be filtered through your subconscious and conscious mind. A stable, calm, and fearless mind is the ideal medium for filtering the messages with the greatest accuracy. Strong emotions will alter what is heard even with the use of ghost boxes and other ITC devices.

3. Focus: I will quote Edward by saying that “with good focus miracles can be done.” Focus is of utmost importance in spirit communication. You need to know who you are communicating with and what you want to accomplish by the communication. If the wrong spirit answers, the session needs to be closed and the mind refocused until the desired result is obtained. Practice, persistence, and patience are needed – especially at first. Focus does not have to be harsh or intense, but it must be persistent, steady, and gentle for the best results.

4. Openness: Having a mind and heart open to the spirit is also necessary for the spirit to connect with you. This is a fairly intimate interaction and can be intimidating to beginners. However, it is essential to accurate spirit communication. Because of this, it’s important that the spirit you are communicating with be one that you can be open to. Closed hearts and minds cloud the communication with subconscious and conscious mind noise. If this happens, the communication will reflect only the heart and mind of the medium and not what the spirit is saying. If the medium is seeing only a reflection of their heart and mind in communication, self-deception can occur. This will happen regardless of the type of mediumship employed.

***Suggestions for focus: Everyone has different interests. The universe is a bit too big and it’s hard to know where to start. I think the best way to decide which spirit to communicate with is personal attraction. In my work I have a fascination for angels and also for the work of Dee and Kelley, and find that communication with a spirit who has an interest common to my own is both effective and productive.

If you enjoy art, perhaps a good contact would be Michelangelo or Leonardo DiVinci. If you are believe in a religious faith, you can contact people like Christ, Buddha, or perhaps deities like Siva. If you are interested in science or parapsychology, reach out to someone within that field who has passed away, or contact someone living in their future probability. If you are interested in life on other planets, explore different star systems and contact the various inhabitants of the wider universe.

These are only some preliminary suggestions to get you thinking and practicing along lines that will deepen your knowledge and your skill in spirit communication.

The scope of ITC can be increased with improved practice, focus and openness to the spirits who are participating in communication. The principles I have outlined are applicable to traditional mediumship techniques as well as ITC. We stand to gain great benefit from interactions with spirits that are purposeful and focused.

This article was contributed by:
© 2015 Jen Tyson All Rights Reserved

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