Who?? – Foreword

by Ron Ruiz

The Lamoreaux Brothers. Joe (top) & Michael (bottom)

The Lamoreaux Brothers. Joe (top) & Michael (bottom)

Michael and Joe Lamoreaux are the newest inductees into the ITC Hall of Fame.  These pioneering brothers flew under the radar and are likely some of the greatest EVP researchers you’ve never heard of.

Most people who engage in Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP) and Radio ITC are familiar with the works of early pioneers like Jurgenson, Raudive and Sarah Estep.

What most people do not realize is that back in the 1970’s, tucked away in the Pacific-North West;  two brothers were conducting experiments that rivaled the efforts of those early pioneers.

If you do an internet search for the brothers, you will come across many websites that say the exact same thing:

“Joseph and Michael Lamoreaux, Washington State, had success with recording paranormal voices after reading Raudive’s book.”

Success indeed…

While Raudive and others captured single words and simple phrases in their recordings, Michael and Joe transcribed entire sentences and paragraphs of information.

Their saga included thrills, chills and spills. An amorous ethereal stalker that takes things to the next level.  An encounter with police and “The Women In Black” and even a communication device they constructed based upon instructions received from the other side.

The Lamoreaux brothers were also able to glean information on the various levels of consciousness that existed when one crosses over. The documented conversations with spirits like Edgar Casey, Jimi Hendrix, Lyndon Johnson and others provided insight to the sights and sounds beyond the veil.

The articles titled Who? will be presented in chapter form, and will cover the first 9 months of their experiments.

The unburied treasure of information presented is taken from over 500 pages of transcripts and correspondence obtained from the University of Central Arkansas. All transcripts will be made available for review and download for personal, non-commercial use.

Other resources will come from audio recordings of the Lamoreaux brothers as well as information provided by Michael’s wife; Joanie Lamoreaux. The recordings will also be made available for your listening pleasure.

While I’m sure you will get the hang of reading through the transcripts, I have provided a page with an explanation of what you might see.

Nov. 20, 1972

Nov. 20, 1972

As you read through the transcripts, keep in mind there were no personal computers, audio software, or noise reduction at the time. All they had was a tape recorder and highly developed listening skills.

Continue to Chapter 1

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