By Ron Ruiz

SEALDid the NSA …aka…National Security Agency tip their hand and possibly validate Electronic Voice Phenomena?  If so, what did they know and when did they know it?

As a researcher, I spend lots of time going through documents obtained from various archives.  Most of the time the information is so-so, but then…there are times when I read something that makes me say Hmmmm.

This was the case for a letter written by Raymond Cass to Harold Sherman on Dec. 19, 1981.  The letter is general in nature with Raymond Cass speaking of his advertising strategy,  his hearing aid business and Friedrich Jurgenson, whom he refers to as FJ.

There was one sentence though that piqued my interest.  It is found on page 2 and has been highlighted for your convenience.
National Security and Electronic Warfare in the 1980’s can be only one organization; the NSA – which also includes the Central Security Service, which deals in electronics.

As many of you already know, I had previously sent Freedom of Information Act – FOIA requests seeking records on Konstantin Raudive to both NASA and the FBI.  Each of those efforts proved fruitless as indicated in their response letters shown below:
Enos article pic 3Enos article pic 4

So…I decided to send a Freedom Of Information Act – FOIA request to the NSA to see if they had any records on Konstantin Raudive.  This is the response letter I got from them:

classifiedClassified!!   I do have to say that I like the wording: “we have determined that the fact of the existence or non-existence of the materials you request is a currently and properly classified matter”.  Its so retro.  That whole “can neither confirm or deny” line is classic 1950 as Keith Clark says. The letter goes on to say that while not obligated to do so, they did perform a search for Electronic Voice Phenomena / EVP and could not locate any records.  Seems odd that the NSA would go out of their way to do a search when they didn’t really have to.  Hmmmm.

Finally the letter states that I can appeal their decision if I so choose.  Guess what…I do choose to appeal.  Here is a copy of the appeal letter I sent back to the NSA:
Upon receipt of my appeal, the NSA has 20 days to have someone other than the original FOIA agent review my request and make a determination.  I expect their response letter sometime next month and will update you when that reply is received.

Thanks for reading this and keep your fingers crossed ~ Ron.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to begin the conversation below.

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